Vacation Amenity Internet Access

up to 500Mbps download and 20Mbps upload speeds with FULL GUEST SUPPORT for $70.99 per month.  One-time installation fee $60.00.
Includes internet access, wireless networking, customized support materials, and regular network updates and maintenance

Sign up today

Blazing Fast Network Speed

20% FASTER FOR 2024! up to 500Mbps down / 20Mbps up speed
MU-MIMO Dual Band Router Included
Multiple Wireless Upgrades Available
Multi-zone Mesh Systems Available

24-Hour Phone Support

Guests are not required to know your sensitive account details to talk to us.  We take support calls 24 hours a day from anyone staying at your property, not just the account holder.

FREE Next Day On Site Service

Our phone support is backed by FREE next day on site support from local professionals.  If a device is faulty, it is replaced.  Regardless of the cause, we come to the rescue quickly with experts that care about getting you fixed fast.

StreamNET™ Frequently Asked Questions

Q: You say "No devices to buy" but sell upgrades.  How does that work?
A: Our networking options work like membership in a club.  If you sign up for the standard membership and get the standard device, you will always have that type of device installed as long as you stay with us.  If it ever fails, we will replace it with an equivalent or better device as long as you are using our service.  However, some properties need more than the standard box, or you may just want a higher capacity device installed.  In that case, you pay a one time fee to upgrade your membership, and we remove the former device and install the higher capacity one.  From that day forward, you will always have the higher capacity device installed, and we will replace it with the same or better if it ever fails.  In both cases, you are not buying devices and you do not have to worry about devices failing or needing to be maintained.  Moving to a higher networking tier is like joining the VIP level at a club.  From that day forward, you always get VIP level service for the same monthly cost as before since you paid the one time VIP upgrade charge.

Q: How does installation work?
A: We collect registrations throughout the month, and submit them once a month on the 15th for processing.  Accounts are created and built out with your service selections, and made ready for install beginning the following month.  Orders received after the 15th of a calendar month will be processed on the 15th of the next month, so please get your order in as early as possible to avoid waiting.  You are not required to be present to be installed, as long as your Property Management Company can grant us access to the property.  We will install and test the devices to ensure adequate coverage throughout your property, and proper operation of all services.  We deliver customized support materials for the guests including a magnet for the refrigerator and device stickers.